There are a lot of fortunetelling systems, but the Tarot occupies a special place among them. At the time of birth, a person receives magnetic settings that provide him with individual lessons in embodiment on planet Earth. This is primarily astrological projection and the influence of the Matrix of Fate. They create programs, attract situations and people with a certain quality of energy. Also in the puff pie, affecting fate, settings that are genetically laid before birth occupy an important place. These are appearance, physical health, intellectual potential, type of nervous system and much more. Our Higher spiritual mentors give us tools for self-development to help us. There are a great many of them and one of them is the Tarot system. That is, some systems create programs of influence on fate, while others help more flexible and conscious implementation of the plan of earthly embodiment. The keys to the Tarot system have been kept secret from ancient times. It’s like the matches that parents hide from children for the time being. When the powers that be understood the danger of the Tarot for their manipulation by the masses, they hastened to discredit it. Other sacred knowledge and tools also suffered the same fate: the law of reincarnation, the secret of female blood, number 13, etc. There are several legends about the emergence of tarot cards. One of them says: When the White Mages of Egypt received a warning from Above about the impending dark era of persecution and perversion of sacred knowledge, they transferred the laws of human existence into a secret system of symbols on cards. This system is designed in such a way that until humanity reaches a spiritual level in order to use the hidden knowledge for the good, cards will be simple fun. To this day, we use the research of various Tarot masters, but the deepest keys of the Tarot remain hidden. Currently, the locks of many secrets are being opened. New pantry knowledge is opened to man, but, as before, only the most spiritually mature can take full advantage of these treasures. “Happiness for the magician is the fruit of the science of Good and Evil, but God permits the person who has attained possession to pick this eternal fruit to come closer to him without greed ...” (Papus). We are Wizards by the right of our birth, for our Father is the Creator. Step boldly into this practice, do not hesitate, cherish every moment of life. May your life be a joyful and bright journey!